Hey Everyone. Welcome to easily the best blog on the Internet. I'm reviving what I started around 2004. I write pretty much what comes to mind, usually hilarious. So take a seat...actually you're probably already sitting...and enjoy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The mind of a madmaN

It is 1:10 AM. Dave has ended. There is no good reason why MSNBC should still be covering the Democratic National Convention LIVE. This is crazy. I'm the only person left watching these five lunatics going at it. All of the old people retired to bed hours ago. This must be taped. No it isn't. The LIVE button is on. They can't lie about that. It's like a cable news no-no. It's like faking your grandma died- instant Hades. Ron Reagan is one of the panelists. He is embarrassing. Ok, we get it, Ronnie. You're a big flaming liberal. You hate your daddy, and now you're getting your revenge against whatever. You can talk about your stem cell research all you want, but you know what? I don't think you got your medical degree recently. You've got your pretty hair, but pretty hair doesn't mean you know jack about injecting fetus into spine, slick. Get a doctor up there and maybe I'll listen, but you Ron, are not cutting it. That's what's wrong with this whole dingamadoo; kids that don't know what they're talking about. Kids, in this case, are celebrities. Celebrities, that saw a Michael Moore movie, do not qualify as political analysts. Man, my spine hurts. I hope this isn't a sign. Subway sandwiches are delicious. I think I'm going to purchase one tomorrow. I never know what my response should be when they ask if I want cheese. I usually say "yes," but I get the impression that the hidden meaning of the query is "What kind of cheese do you want?" Subway offers a very worldly selection of 3, I believe. Some people say "no" to cheese entirely, I suspect, so they try to kill two birds with one stone. Not with me though, Subway Inquisition. My response of "yes" always leads to a pause, then a surprise cheese. I can never tell the difference, though, in cheeses. I don't know if I'm the only one like this. I'll pose the question to co-workers tomorrow. Who am I kidding? No I won't. Why do I think about quitting my job so much? Does everyone do this? I had a dream the other night of drop kicking the guy in Lawn and Garden, whose name I don't know, and then sliding down the escalator in glorious fashion. Work is a very awkward thing. You're forced to be around a large number of people, many of which, have names you do not know. I don't want to even think about the day I work in an industry that is nametag-less. Let the chaos begin, I say. Name tags are rather silly in the first place. I can't remember the last time I addressed someone at McDonald's or KFC by their name. Does anyone? Surely not. I think I'm going to make up a new tag tomorrow just to be experimental. It will say "Lunk Head" or perhaps "Emily." Whoever brings my fake identity to justice will receive a bar of SweetTarts or something. Gosh those SweetTarts come in numbers. What is the serving size on those things? Should they be eaten in a day? Surely not. I think those SweetTart corporate bastards assume their buyers are pathetic lads, who have to gain the satisfaction of their party through edible charity. So they stack on the tarts and sit back and laugh at the "Can I have one" 's from peers. It's 1:45. Ron is still going on...live. He's talking about celebrity endorsement. People that deem everything "ironic" are going down in '05.