Hey Everyone. Welcome to easily the best blog on the Internet. I'm reviving what I started around 2004. I write pretty much what comes to mind, usually hilarious. So take a seat...actually you're probably already sitting...and enjoy.

Monday, May 31, 2004

I Totally Just Hopped on the 1997 Boat

It is June 1st, 2004. Well, just barely. The above date is a blatant lie. I think this service is based in Mexico where they don't have time. Anyway, this is my first entry in what they call a "blog." At least that's what they called them in 1997 when everyone had one and then forgot about them. That's everyone but me I guess. 2004 seems like a good time to start one as any. I've got to get back to writing something. I'm going crazy without it. This outlet will be good because away messages only allow 244 characters. I usually have more to say than that, meaning I always have to edit out all the crunchy stuff. I'll probably discuss whatever comes to mind. It won't be about life and times too much, because I find that other's lives either bore me entirely or make me want to hurt them verbally or by swordfight. I think it'll be fun. Tag along. We'll see what happens.